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Our company drivers believe they have the best truck driving jobs around. Here’s why.


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Our company drivers believe they have the best truck driving jobs around. Here’s why.

What Our Drivers Say

Video Testimonials

Find the Best Truck Driving Jobs at Lone Star

We asked our professional drivers what they think about working for Lone Star Transportation. To sum up, they believe Lone Star company drivers have the best truck driving jobs around. Watch their videos to see why.

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Professional Driver


Professional Driver

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What is the most challenging part of hauling flatbed & oversized freight?

The challenge with moving oversize, over-dimensional freight is, actually, that there’s an excitement about it. It’s unusual things. It’s not just regular dry van hauling — shut the doors, and you’re down the road. You’re always checking on it; you get a little more workout with it. You’re not always sitting behind the wheel: you’re checking things out, you’re tying things down, you’re pulling chains. But it’s an excitement of doing that. It’s a feeling of accomplishment to do things like that. You have to be aware at all times. You can’t just be lazily going down the road — but if you want to work hard, it’s a good job.

What attracted you to Lone Star?

What originally attracted me Lone Star: I was working with another company, and I heard some advertisements on the radio talking about windmills. And at that point in time, I didn’t realize what windmills were. But it kind of piqued my interest, and I called them up, got hired on, went to orientation, and I’ve enjoyed it ever since.

What do you like about driving for Lone Star?

What I like about driving for Lone Star is the freedom, the time just to be out on the road at times, getting home easily with my family. And just enjoy the atmosphere of this company.

Do you get enough support when you have questions about the complex loads you haul?

When driving for Lone Star, the support I get from operations has always been good. We have a driver manager, and you can always call and talk to him about anything. And he will let you know this or that or the other. You have — we have — other drivers that we know, can talk to about things, give some hints on this, or that, or if it’s something that you haven’t done in the past. And it’s always been helpful, and everyone, most everyone, is always very encouraging.

How important is safety at Lone Star?

Safety with Lone Star is very important. It’s emphasized daily through your driver manager — all the way up through the company through Tex. All of our meetings have safety in them, and it’s a key component of our job.

What are the top reasons you would tell other professional drivers to look at Lone Star?

If I was talking to a driver about coming to work for Lone Star Transportation, I would first tell him that I’ve been there over 13 years, so it’s a good company to work for, or I wouldn’t be there that long. The pay has been excellent — top in the industry, I believe. And then it was a company that was run by truckers for truckers, so they understand what you’re going through.

Are you like Harold, looking for a bigger challenge than dry van hauling?
Then be sure to read the 8 Reasons to Become an OTR Flatbed Driver.

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Professional Driver


Professional Driver

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What is the advantage of Lone Star’s guaranteed pay minimum?

Well, I think the advantage to having a weekly guaranteed pay is just that. In this industry, things are so up-and-down and volatile you really don’t always know. But that sense of security, knowing that you’re going to make it — that minimum — that’s worth a lot.

What is the most challenging part of transporting over-dimensional freight?

The most challenging part of flatbed over-dimensional freight is the entire process: from the very beginning securing permits and determining a good route, to lining up escorts and pilots, police escorts, special securement of the load. Everything about it is a challenge, and that’s what I like about it.

How flexible is Lone Star regarding home time?

When I need to get home, Lone Star’s always got me there. They are flexible. And they’re willing to work with you, and they do what they say they’re gonna do.

What attracted you to Lone Star?

Originally I was attracted to Lone Star based upon their equipment. I looked at several different places, and I figured if a company takes care of their equipment the way they do, they probably take care of the drivers good, too.

How has Lone Star treated you personally?

Lone Star has been really, really good to me. Trucking is trucking everywhere, but if you could find a home where people are straightforward with you and treat you the way you want to be treated — that’s why I’m here.

See the equipment that drivers like Richard use to haul specialized heavy haul loads HERE.

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Professional Driver


Professional Driver

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How did you get into OTR trucking?

Well, l love to drive, and I love to travel. And I figured, why not do it for a living? It’s exciting; I get to see everything. And I drive a really big, awesome truck!

Why did you choose Lone Star?

I chose Lone Star because I love the opportunity for advancement, the company. I love the family feel of the company, and overall, I think it’s a company I would love to retire with someday.

Can you make more money hauling flatbed loads than dry van freight?

Well, absolutely, you can make more money doing flatbed as opposed to dry van. There’s opportunities for extra pay, i.e., tarping, extra stops. You also have a stage system — zero through five. So, you level up on the stages, get better pay, haul bigger freight.

Do you feel intimidated in hauling big, open-deck freight?

Well, honestly, I do not feel intimidated one bit, from hauling the small stuff to the big stuff. Figure — just because I’m a woman doesn’t mean I’m not able to do something like this.

What would you tell other professional women truck drivers about Lone Star?

I would tell ANY woman that Lone Star is a great company to come to. They train you, you have opportunities for advancement, and it’s a family feel. And you will feel completely comfortable working at this company. Don’t be afraid.

Do you feel like part of a family at Lone Star?

I absolutely do feel like I am part of a family here. Every person I’ve met has just been warm and very personable, and I feel like I’m a person and not a number at this company.

Would you recommend driving for Lone Star to other professional OTR drivers?

I highly encourage anybody with over a year experience to come check out Lone Star. You won’t regret it.

Visit the Women at Lone Star page in order to learn how all our drivers earn more money and respect.

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Professional Driver


Professional Driver

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How did you get into OTR trucking?

I got into the field of truck driving because I was at a job for 15 years, and all I did was go to my job and go to Walmart. My mother said I was never going to do anything with my life. So I gave my notice, went to truck driving school, and I became a truck driver.

What are the obstacles you have to overcome as a woman truck driver?

The obstacles that I have to overcome in the field of truck driving as a woman are stereotypes, basically. You know: a woman shouldn’t be doing this — it’s not your place. A woman should be barefoot and in the home. You shouldn’t be out here doing a man’s job. (You certainly shouldn’t be doing a man’s job better than him!)

How are you treated at Lone Star?

They treat us so much like family that even management will call you and check on you if you have to take time off for a family illness. Or if you’re out on a job and something happens, they will get you home immediately. It doesn’t matter what time of day or night it is.

How important is safety at Lone Star?

Safety is the most important thing. The very first thing that they teach you when you’re going through orientation at Lone Star is, “Take your time.” Don’t let ANYONE rush you.

If someone tries to rush you, you can make mistakes, damage the product, damage your equipment. And nobody wants that.

And get someone on your team — if you have an issue, call Safety, and they’ll be on your side.

Would you recommend Lone Star to other professional truck drivers?

If you want to work for someone that takes care of you as a person, as family, you want to work for Lone Star. They will take you in — in the beginning without any training whatsoever — and work you all the way up to heavy haul if that’s what you want. Or even bigger than heavy haul: super heavy haul. This is the place to be if you want to work for a good company that will take care of you from beginning to end.

Paid orientation/ securement training is your first step to a flatbed career,
#8 of our 12 Reasons You Should Drive for Lone Star.

We list opportunity for advancement as #9 of the 12 Reasons to Drive for Lone Star.
Many drivers think it’s the #1 Reason Lone Star has the best truck driving jobs —
learn why it’s the critical component to the 
truck driving jobs that pay the most!

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